Car seat laws are incredibly important to know. Those who are driving in Utah need to know the Utah seat belt laws. If you are driving around in Utah and have a child, you need to know the Utah child seat laws.
All of this information is important in ensuring that everyone in your car is safe. Knowing the seat laws in your area will help you prevent serious injuries. The information will also come in handy in the case of a legal battle. As long as you are following the law, you can help prevent a nasty outcome in court.
This article will discuss the seat belt, child seat, and booster seat laws of Utah. You will also learn about the possible penalties that you can face if you do not follow these laws.
Utah Seat Belt Laws
According to Utah state law, anyone who is operating a vehicle needs to be wearing a seat belt at all times. The seat belt needs to fit the body properly and be latched in place. Anyone who is riding in the vehicle needs to wear a seatbelt that is appropriate for them. The driver of the vehicle is responsible for providing appropriate seatbelts for all passengers.
If a member of the vehicle is not wearing an appropriate seatbelt, the driver will receive a citation. In the state of Utah, there is a limit of one citation per incident.
Children who are eight years old and younger must use some sort of child-restraining device. These devices typically include booster seats. There are multiple forms of child-restraint products, however.
Children between the ages of eight and 16 must wear a seatbelt. The belt must be capable of protecting the child. A seat belt that fits well will look different for each child.
Anyone older than 16 must also wear their seatbelt. The seat belt must be on and fit properly.
Utah Child Seat Laws
Utah state law requires that all passengers of a vehicle wear the appropriate seatbelt. In the case of young children, this seat belt often comes in the form of a special seat. This seat is for young children, typically younger than eight years old.
There are various forms of child restraint. These forms can include booster seats, rear-facing seats, and more. The kind of child seat that you need will vary depending on the age and size of your child.
Children who are under the age of 13 should only ride in the backseat. The passenger seat can cause safety issues. If you were to get into a car crash, the child would be at the front of all of the destruction.
At the same time, the airbag can also be a hazard for a child. Even at 13, some children are still small. Many children are not capable of withstanding the impact of an airbag. As a result, a child can suffer severe injuries after impact due to the airbag.
Utah Booster Seat Law
All children who are under eight years old need to be sitting in a booster seat. The only exception to this rule is if the child in question is over 57 inches tall. If the child is tall enough, he or she may wear a regular seat belt.
The seat belt must fit the child properly with no looseness. Anyone who is operating the vehicle needs to make sure that all children are taking the proper safety measures. Parents and guardians are responsible for making sure their children sit in a booster seat or wear a seat belt.
It is important to note that only children who are taller than 57 inches may be exempt from a booster seat. If a child is heavier than the booster seat requirements, that child will still have to find an alternative booster seat. Only height, not weight, makes a child the exception to riding a booster seat.
The operator of a vehicle needs to make sure that a booster seat will fit the child riding in it. As a child grows, the parent can upgrade their booster seats to accommodate their child.
If the operator of the vehicle does not abide by these laws, they are subject to paying a fine of at least $45. Paying this kind of fine may seem small at the time, but it can lead to a bad track record in the future. The biggest priority is ensuring that children are not subject to the danger that may take their lives.
More Info/Seat Belt Safety
Without getting into morbid details, seat belt safety is incredibly important. When we don’t use our seat belts, we are risking our lives and safety.
Cars on average weigh at least one ton or 2,000 pounds. When we are driving in our day-to-day lives, we can only hope that everyone else on the roads drives safely. And even then, the safest driver is still at risk of getting into a car accident.
The high risk of danger is why it is so important to practice seat belt safety. Regardless of what state you are in, you must follow car safety. Each state has its laws that residents must adhere to. The punishment for not adhering to these laws vary depending on each state.
Seat Belt Statistics
Around 37,000 people pass away as a result of a car crash every year. The NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) estimates that almost half of them were not wearing seat belts at the time of the crash in 2018.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that 87% of those who survived a crash in 2018 were wearing a seat belt. Only 13% of people who survived a car crash in 2018 were not wearing a seat belt.
Research from the NHTSA tells us that there is a direct correlation between wearing a seat belt and surviving a car crash. Those who survive car crashes without a seat belt are the minority and are extremely lucky.
In 2017, there were 37,473 deaths due to a car accident. In 2019, the number of deaths from car crashes was roughly the same at 3,696 deaths. Around half of those deaths(47%) were not wearing seat belts.
There has been a trend of a decrease in deaths related to car accidents. Before 2016, there was a trend of a rise in fatal car crashes. However, the number has now been decreasing since 2016.
Utah car seat laws are essential to adhere to. While a small fine may not feel like a big deal, the fines are to stress the importance of car safety.
No matter how safe a car feels, all vehicles are capable of creating an immense amount of damage. In particularly unfortunate situations, the damage can be fatal.
However, most people in the US need a car for their job, families, and lifestyles. As a result, all drivers need to take the proper safety measures to ensure the well-being of all passengers of the car.
Fines and citations are put in place to help enforce seat belt and other safety laws. By neglecting these laws, you are subject to any one of these citations.